Soul Energy Oracle set - includes shipping to UK


Set of 16 soul energy cards, have been designed by me during a beautiful ritual of connecting to source. This set comes with a booklet describing each cards meaning plus extra things for you to do in the week like spells, meditations and practical things and a list of oils, plants and crystals that go with each meaning.

You can use this deck at anytime you need guidance, or when you wish to receive spiritual guidance from your higher self.

My intention for this set is, for you to choose a card at the start of the week, to give you clarity for the week ahead. You can leave your pulled card on your altar or a place you will see it to remind you of it's message. Give yourself permission to have some time at the start of the week to explore your card and the meaning, journal on it and see what reveals itself to you. Explore the extras for each card and delve into the simple spells to get more from your card.

The cards measure 14cm x 10 cm and the booklet is A6 in size. They come in a clear plastic sleeve, wrapped in tissue paper, so make a perfect gift.

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