This isn’t an ordinary blog, basically it is a collection of my thoughts, in all their random glory, intertwined with folklore, recipes, stories, photos of nature and parts of a simple life with things that make me happy. It is a peep into my world, my mind and all the things I love. It is like an online zine that keeps growing and growing.

If you enjoy this, you will definitely love the zines I make.

It is in 5 sections (scroll down to see) - about me and why I love nature, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

I will update the seasons regularly so keep checking back.

About Me and why I love nature

I have been attached to the magic of nature since I was a little girl. When I was a child, we had a wonderful rambunkled garden, full of flowers, veg, fruit and herbs, my dad had built this shack type thing that my mum called a summer house and grew honeysuckle and vines over it, so it became like a secret den, I would spend hours making mud pies and flower potions in it, I learnt a lot from my mum about different plants and was always keen to learn more. We looked after rescue ducks, had a hedgehog family living under the shed, and had a pet cat, dog, mouse, budgie and rabbit. In the big Laburnum tree outside my bedroom window lived an owl and a wood pigeon

1980s mum in a garden

This is my mum, she loved her garden and made a beautifully wild one, we were lucky enough to grow up in a council house which had a big wrap around garden, with trees, bushes, flowers, animals and an allotment area.

We have a beautiful balance with nature and when we take from her, we need to be respectful, so we only take what we need and are going to use, we never strip one plant or over harvest in one area, uprooting plants is bad as they will not grow back, pick berries with care and leave enough for wild creatures, everything in moderation basically

My love for nature came from my mum and dad, my dad grew veg and rescued animals and my mum grew flowers and loved trees. She taught me the names of everything and encouraged lots of play outside, she helped me be explore creativity